Upgrade notes for FileCloud 18.1

Backwards Compatibility Notes

The following are the major considerations when upgrading to 18.1 from a previous release of FileCloud.

  1. Software requirements
    1. FileCloud 18.1 now requires PHP 7.1 on both Windows and Linux. A full system upgrade is required for all existing installations.
    2. Apache and PHP are fully 64 bit on Windows
    3. Mac OSX is supported only from Sierra and above
  2. ServerLink implications
    1. If using ServerLink, see section below on upgrading to 18.1


18.1 Release Requirements:

  • Only PHP 7.1.x is supported (The following are not supported: PHP 7.2.xanything less than PHP 7.1 )

The following instructions detail how to upgrade your installation.

As always, make a full backup of your existing installation before upgrading.

Upgrading FileCloud to 18.1 in Windows

You will have to do a full upgrade to 18.1.

Upgrading FileCloud to 18.1 in Linux 

If you are using Ubuntu versions earlier than 16.04 or Older versions of Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora, we don't have a script to upgrade your installation to 18.1
You will need to migrate your FileCloud installation manually to Ubuntu 16.04 or Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora that supports PHP 7.1 or greater with the new MongoDB driver to use FileCloud 18.1

Please make a full backup of your server before running this script.

For Upgrading FileCloud to v18.1 in Linux Distros, Please follow the steps here

To upgrade systems running ServerLink, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Before upgrade, ensure all ServerLink nodes are fully synced and are at the same state.
  2. Make backups of all nodes as needed
  3. Upgrade the primary node to 18.1 first
  4. Upgrade each secondary node to 18.1
  5. Startup all nodes