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  1. User added to share.png

  2. Add user email.png

  3. Sharing Files Privately with New Users

    You can privately share a file with a user who does not have a FileCloud account yet but wants one. Before you can invite a new user to create a FileCloud account, an administrator must configure the FileCloud site to allow it. If you are not able to invite a new user to access your share, contact your
    FileCloud DocsApr 25, 2024
  4. Share a Folder Privately with New Users

    You can share a folder with a user who does not have a FileCloud account yet but wants one. This is called a Private share because:  You are only allowing specific users with a FileCloud account to access your folder and all its contents. When you invite a new user to share your folder and all its contents
    FileCloud DocsApr 26, 2024
  5. Add user to folder.jpg

  6. User Folder Perm.jpg

  7. Add user email.png

  8. User added to share.png

  9. user homepage.PNG

  10. user homepage.PNG